20:00 Uhr Halle 04

Offene Ohren @ MUG im Einstein
präsentiert Improvisationsmusik in München

Inside a leaf

Auch dieses Quartett besteht aus Musikern, die allesamt bereits in unterschiedlichsten Formationen Gäste des Offene Ohren e.V. waren: Ignaz Schick mit dem Sestetto Internazionale, Paul Lovens im Quintet Moderne oder dem Trio Mein Freund der Baum, Michael Thieke in Gehard Ullmann´s Clarinet Trio und den Hotelgästen, und Initiator Werner Dafeldecker im intimen Duo mit Lucio Capece, deren Konzert im KIM demnächst als CD erscheinen wird.

Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen und sehr breiten musikalischen Hintergründe aller Beteiligten können wir gespannt auf ein Konzert sein, das von mikrotonalen Soundforschungen bis spontanen Eruptionen sehr viele Überraschungen bereithalten dürfte. Gefragt sind, wie so oft: Offene Ohren!

Werner Dafeldecker -  Bass, Ignaz Schick - Turntables, Michael Thieke – Klarinette, Paul Lovens - Percussion

Born in Aachen, Germany, 6 June 1949; Drums, percussion, musical saw, etc. Paul Lovens played the drums as a child. Self-taught, from the age of 14 he played in groups of various jazz styles and popular musics and from 1969 has worked almost exclusively as an improvisor on individually selected instruments. He has worked internationally with most of the leading musicians in free jazz and free improvisation, among whom have included the Globe Unity Orchestra, the Berlin Contemporary Jazz Orchestra, the Schlippenbach trio, Quintet Moderne, Company, and a duo with Paul Lytton. Paul Lovens somehow epitomises the free drummer/percussionist who is not there to lay down the beat and kick everyone else into action but to listen, colour, contribute, guide, and occasionally direct, the overall cooperative sound. In concert one cannot fail to be moved by his intensity and concentration and there is an overiding feeling that even the most random events are somehow planned in time.


WERNER DAFELDECKER was born in Vienna in 1964 and studied the double bass which he plays with passion. As a musician, composer and sound artist he takes advantage of the manifold possibilities offered by electro-acoustics. His musical projects are often inspired and deduced by outside influences such as architecture, science, photography and film - partially resulting in the creation of graphical scores for various ensembles and instrumental performers. Werner also focuses on site specific projects, field recording and opposing natural and environmental sounds with synthetic variants. He has built up an extensive sound archive and created several electroacoustic pieces for radio and film.


IGNAZ SCHICK is a sound artist, composer & visual artist. He also performs as an instrumentalist on turntables, objects, live-electronics, alto saxophone & flutes. In his youth he studied the saxophone & performed in free jazz and avant rock bands. At the same time he was getting obsessed with multitrack tape machines, record players & effect boxes & he started experimenting with different electro-acoustic set-ups & sound making devices. After school he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich & worked for several years as an assistant for the contemporary composer Josef Anton Riedl.

Since 1995 he lives & works in Berlin where he became an active and integral force of the so-called "Berlin Nouvelle Vague" and the blossoming "experimental" music scene. He has been also prolific as curator (Festival für Andere Musik, Erase & Reset, Time Shifts, TITO, Echtzeitmusiktage 2010, Flux Festival, …) & runs the experimental music label Zarek.


MICHAEL THIEKE The Berlin-based clarinetist/composer/performer Michael Thieke is equally at home across a broad range of musical environments, such as experimental song forms, collectively composing projects, improvising collectives, and music on the fringes of jazz. He is exploring the minutiae of sound, timbre and noise, with a particular interest in microtonality and related sound phenomena, and with a preference for long-term collaborations and collective work.

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch das Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München


15,00 €
Ermäßigt 12,00 €
bis 15 Jahre freier Eintritt




Offene Ohren e.V.